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Moderator: Vixen

Sub-board: arcade

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Introduce yourself! Post who you are, a little about yourself, and a bit about the characters you play.

2 4 KiTSUNE !
by kitsune !
Nov 23, 2011 8:30:38 GMT -5
No New Posts the shop

Buy items, powers, and more for your characters.

3 9 [buying] minor song, harmony Aether, Essence
by kitsune !
Oct 8, 2011 8:19:39 GMT -5
No New Posts resource center

Here you will find the rules, guidelines, and announcements of OUAL.
--Questions and Answers

Sub-boards: questions and answers, library

9 14 Battles
by kitsune !
Sept 3, 2011 22:28:42 GMT -5
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Let's get creative! Plan out plot ideas, plot twists, alliances, blood feuds, and more.

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Sub-boards: first time, link back, affiliate

25 28 AWRP (Another Warrior Roleplay)
by AWRP Staff
Apr 4, 2015 19:58:59 GMT -5
No New Posts away

If you're going to be away for any period of time, please post here so that we can protect any territories your character might own from challengers. (Also, because we miss you.)

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ooc - characters

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No New Posts characters

Post your characters here and, if they are approved, they will be moved into the Approved Character board. If they are denied, they will be moved to the Denied Character board with some tips on changing your character.

Sub-boards: approved characters, denied characters

8 9 ` Ashia !
by L Y N X !
Jan 6, 2012 20:44:47 GMT -5
No New Posts pups

Is your she-wolf expecting? Fill out the form, post it, and we will get the stats of your litter of puppies.

1 1 Form
by kitsune !
Jul 15, 2010 20:35:58 GMT -5
No New Posts pack business

If your character is the alpha of a pack, you need to create and maintain a thread here containing at minimum a list of your pack's members.

1 2 L u N a R * R e G i M e
by Vixen
Oct 4, 2011 18:52:37 GMT -5
No New Posts adoption center

Here, you can adopt characters from other players or you can adopt pre-made characters.

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No New Posts the nesting grounds

Deep in the forest, the ravens and crows that have become this territory's namesake make their roost; dozens, maybe hundreds, of nests are balanced precariously in the branches of these trees, and a terrible cacopheny of shrieks rises from the ever-demanding hatchlings. The ground is thick with feathers, and while some brave wolves might snatch a few for their dens, it isn't recommended: the beady-eyed guardians of this land are incredibly defensive of their hatchlings, and any movement interpreted as threatening might get an unfortunate's eyes torn out.
Prey Status: Rich
Occupied by: Unclaimed

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No New Posts aokigahara forest

One of the most dismal places in the entire region, Aokigahara Forest is the sort of place that makes even the most happy-go-lucky wolf smile a little less. The forest is a black sea of trees, the branches of the trees seemingly knitted together - that, along with the Spanish moss that half of the trees seem to be laden with, makes a near-impenetrable barrier against the sun. Even at noon there are places in the Forest that are in total darkness. Needless to say, not everything about Aokigahara is nightmare fuel - a few clearings act as 'islands' in the forest, where young saplings can photosynthesize and where wolves can bask in the watery sunlight. Superstitions abound about Aokigahara, but they're all unfounded rumors... just watch your step.
Prey Status: Fair
Occupied by: Unclaimed

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No New Posts little aokigahara

Though its 'big brother,' the Aokigahara Forest, is both feared and revered, the clusters of forests known collectively as the "Little Aokigahara" don't garner that level of respect. The mostly spindly trees aren't packed tightly together and allow sunlight to filter through and nurture thick underbrush. This area gets more than its fair share of rain, and a centimeter or so of stagnant water is common in the rainy season. Mushrooms thrive in the damp loam and attract all sorts of creatures, including badgers and rare wild boars. Several varieties of snakes also call this place home, but none are venemous - at least, not enough to kill. Though most tread in the Little Aokigahara forests fearlessly, it sports its own hazards.
Prey Status: Good
Occupied by: Unclaimed

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No New Posts orchid bog

Orchid Bog is a marshy, reptile-infested chunch of land in Ravennook's eastern reaches. Depending on how much rain the region has recieved recently, the ever-present level of six-inch water might swell to a foot or even more. Little hammocks of land provide the occasional dry haven, and many enjoy the privacy that the Bog provides... if they can ignore the swarms of insects! Its name comes from the belief that rare orchids grow on the branches of the trees, though it's unknown if there's any truth to the rumor or not.
Prey Status: Good
Occupied by: Unclaimed

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No New Posts sienna circle

Sienna Circle is a bizarre blotch on the otherwise typically-green plains and hills of Eaglewing Valley; obviously the site of some fire long-ago, the grass has been burned in a large, almost perfect circle. Nothing but the occasional weed grows in the reddish dirt, and the wind that buffets the area discourages any seeds from settling down. During the day, the sun heats the sandy soil until it's scorching hot, while at night the lack of underbrush makes the Circle terribly cold. All in all, not a particularly pleasant place to be.
Prey Status: Poor
Occupied by: Unclaimed

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No New Posts frogbelly basin

Though its name suggests that it's a deep lake, Frogbelly Basin is barely more than a place where water collects. It's the lowest part of the territory and is fed by many small streams; while in the spring and fall it can be called a pond, in the summer and winter it's hardly more than a smelly patch of sticky mud. While the water isn't always clean - you're better off drinking from the little streams - you can often find frogs and small rodents by the water's edge.
Prey Status: Fair
Occupied by: Unclaimed

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No New Posts the talons

"The Talons" is a name that refers to one of the more noteworthy groves studding Eaglewing Valley. The name is appropriate - if the plains are the vast wingspan of some unseen raptor, then this collection of gnarled, arthritic trees are its reaching claws. The Talons are situated on a bluff and, because of this, the wind beats at them mercilessly. Many of the trees are dead, but a few of the stooped over ones have been sheltered enough from the wind to keep their thin, drooping leaves. While this isn't an ideal place for the trees that inhabit it, the weeds thrive: several have grown to be over five feet tall, and their seeds feed a small host of hares and other creatures. The wind almost always blows from the west to the east, so if you're in the area for the night, it would be wise to take shelter on the east side of the trees.
Prey Status: Fair
Occupied by: Unclaimed

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No New Posts la valle verde

Most of Eaglewing Valley is affectionately referred to as "La Valle Verde" - the green valley. The sloping hills always seem to be lush with windswept grass and thick with prey ripe for the picking. Unfortunately, La Valle can be terribly temperamental - when it doesn't recieve enough rain in the spring and summer, the green might curdle to dry yellows and browns, and the prey will run south. Too much rain, on the other hand, might cause sudden flash floods or make the plants rot in stagnant waters. When life's sweet, the valley is green, but when the delicate balance shifts...
Prey Status: Rich
Occupied by: Unclaimed

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No New Posts jigsaw woods

Near the border that Sparrow Gallows shares with Pheasant's Crown is a fair-sized chunk of forest. Unfortunately, the woods have been crisscrossed with a net of abandoned dirt roads, and the irregular chunks of forest make the appropriately-named "Jigsaw Woods" resemble a human's toy.
Prey Status: Fair
Occupied by: Unclaimed

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No New Posts the orchard

One of the most prosperous pieces in this otherwise barren territory, the Orchard is a grove of fruit trees that have grown wild since their owners' disappearance. Since no clever hands pick the fruit, it typically falls to the ground and rots, attracting many rodents and other animals. If you can ignore the flies that also flock to the fallen harvest, the Orchard is an excellent place to hunt. Overgrown apple, pear, and even peach trees all thrive in this little chunk of abundance.
Prey Status: Rich
Occupied by: Unclaimed

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No New Posts dusty grove village

Though it's earned the name "Dusty Grove Village" from the wolves that now inhabit the area, very little is actually known about this abandoned town - not even its true name. Still, the epithet is as good as any. The little houses and quaint stores began to decay long ago and the chickenwire coops for poultry still stand like empty shells. All in all, it's an eerie little place, and not many are willing to stray near it. What drove away the humans in the first place...?
Prey Status: Poor
Occupied by: Unclaimed

1 1 Let The Dreams Descend [open]
by kitsune !
Jan 1, 2012 20:29:41 GMT -5
No New Posts forgotten chapel

Once, this petite building was the pride of the town that tended to it: its doors and pews were wreathed in flowers for every occasion, be they joyous or somber. It was repainted a pure, modest white whenever rain or snow sullied it. The small graveyard squeezed between it and the woods behind was always tended to, with flowers and offerings often adorning nearly every grave. Now? The paint has long since faded from the chapel's boards and the cobblestone path that led to its door is being gradually broken apart by weeds. The cross at the church's peak has lost the beam that once hung horizontal, and the part that remains is skewed at a crazy angle. The gravestones are no longer legible and have sunken into the earth. The front door hangs lopsidely and inside, the weather-warped boards give off clouds of dust whenever someone treads on them; pews have toppled over or sit crookedly. Very few of them remain in their former position, and even fewer retain their threadbare and waterstained cushions. The altar no longer occupies its sacred spot, either smashed to smithereens or stolen. The only aspects of the church that retains its former glory are the scattered splinters of stained glass that cling to the sagging frames. A few mice, rats, and other vermin nest in the Chapel, but other than that it's quite barren of prey.
Prey Status: Poor
Occupied by: Unclaimed

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No New Posts illumined valley

Most of the time, this little valley is pleasant but forgettable: wildflowers blanket the slopes surrounding it and a small creek winds its way through. Lush grass is gentle on the paws and provides a meal for many small mammals; occasionally you might even find a careless deer wandering amongst the lavender. On warm summer nights, however, Illumined Valley earns its name: swarms of fireflies inexplicably flock to the area, dancing and bobbing about like mystical buoys carried by invisible tides. It's quite the sight to see - if you can stay awake long enough.
Prey Status: Good
Occupied by: Unclaimed

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No New Posts petrosus warren

Though these hills are rocky and treacherous, rabbits have dug and otherwise constructed burrows and tunnels. Because of this, they are abundant in this gravelly area. Petrosus is a bit more mountainous and steep than most of the Crown's gently sloping land, but various grasses and small shrubs cling to the dirt and feed the Warren's hungry inhabitants.
Prey Status: Rich
Occupied by: Unclaimed

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No New Posts salacious shores

The territory's portion of the lake's shore stretches several miles; the dark-sanded coast is quite pebbly, with boulders mired in both the sand and water and driftwood often rotting on the beach. While the eastern shores can be quite pleasant, the western part is prone to rain, fog, and poor weather. It isn't a particularly fortunate area - pups and yearlings who decide to take a swim often misjudge the currents and drown, and it has a reputation for being a dangerous place. The waters (even those close to land) are much deeper than they appear to be. All in all, the Salacious Shores are certainly not a place where you'd want to spend much time.
Prey Status: Fair
Occupied by: Unclaimed

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No New Posts seashell dynasty

Though it's situated close to the center of the lake, the whimsically-titled "Seashell Dynasty" is traditionally marked down as part of the Crown's territory. This rocky island emerges from the depths of the lake and is much larger than it appears to be; the fragile ecosystem that survives on it, surprisingly enough, thrives. It's a popular nesting site for birds, and the shallow waters that surround it are often filled with young fish. Only particularly strong swimmers can hope to reach Seashell Dynasty, but once they do, they'll find a little paradise.
Prey Status: Good
Occupied by: Unclaimed

Sub-boards: mer soleil , topaz cove, hummingbird cliffs, sapphire shallows

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No New Posts painted mountain

Though Deercoven is a mountainous territory, one area stands out: in the western reaches of the territory looms the so-called "Painted Mountain," a squat and rumpled feature that would be quite charmless if not for its color. Its name is derived from the wildflowers that run rampant on its slopes: indian paintbrushes, lavender, mustard, and other blossoms laden the slopes through spring and summer, and then in the fall the dried grasses make it appear a vibrant crimson. In winter, of course, it's iced with thick drifts of snow. Though the mountain itself might not be notable, the skin that it wears is magnificent as it gracefully shifts through the seasons.
Prey Status: Good

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No New Posts featherspine gorge

Featherspine Gorge is the lowest point in the territory; it's a yawning valley that stretches from the northeast - near the Robinshadow Forest border - to the southwest, almost touching Pheasant's Crown. After heavy rains, water often collects and forms a makeshift river; the foliage in the Gorge is very lush, offering many hiding places for small rodents and birds, and the area is forested heavily with toothpick-straight pines.
Prey Status: Fair
Occupied by: Unclaimed

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No New Posts crystalline crescent

Situated in a valley, the Crystalline Crescent is a peculiar, bare patch of land shaped just like its namesake. Granite boulders that shine like diamonds under the moonlight are situated at each point and at the very center. The Crescent is bordered by weeds and saplings, but they never encroach on the Crescent's border. Rumors abound about this place, but none have ever been proven to be true.
Prey Status: Fair
Occupied by: Unclaimed

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No New Posts lilysteps

In the northern part of the territory are several pale, smooth plates of stone that hold water and spill it into the next plate. Each is shaped in such a way that it can hold anywhere from a single inch of water to a single foot. The Lilysteps finally empty into a pond, large and tranquil, with several boulders about the edge, as well as pines, birches, aspens, and other beautiful foliage. Lilypads and other water plants grow in the pond, giving the area its name.
Prey Status: Good
Occupied by: Unclaimed

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No New Posts primordial forest

Whereas most of the forests in Robinshadow were levelled or desecrated by humans, the Primordial Forest remains an untouched haven in the East. Proud oaks, elms, and pines rise up impossibly high, and there is very little undergrowth to hinder a traveller; a few sacred redwoods can even be found in this virginal woodland. The little foliage on the forest floor that does exist, however, is home to plentiful prey. Though one would think that such an ancient land would be hushed and somber, gleeful birds trill and shriek their symphonies on branches high above.
Prey Status: Rich
Occupied by: Unclaimed

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No New Posts reflection river

A long, slow river that trails through Robinshadow Forest and empties into the lake, the Reflection River is one of the most beautiful places in the territory. The bottom is smooth with pebbles, and the shores are home to all variety of trees, many of which flower and shed their petals into the river. Its deepest point is five feet, but most of it is never deeper than a foot, making it a safe place for pups to frolic in the summer.
Prey Status: Good
Occupied by: Unclaimed

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No New Posts windscraped sweep

This bleak area is where humans once pushed logs into the lake to float them to their destination. As a result, this steep incline has been barren for several years: all that grows here is dust and occasionally weeds, and avalanches and mudslides are tragically common. The sun beats down mercilessly, and there are no trees to provide shade. However, coming here isn't an entire waste of your time: rabbits, groundhogs, and other animals occasionally make their burrows here, and if you're desperate enough it's worth a shot.
Prey Status: Poor
Occupied by: Unclaimed

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No New Posts argent fissure

Close to the Deercoven-Robinshadow border, the territory becomes much rougher than typical. In the northernmost reaches of the border, this culminates in a deep fissure that opens up in the earth: it's about half a mile long and several yards wide. It's deeper than it is both wide or long and the bottom is like a ravenous beast's mouth - lined with jagged, tooth-like rocks and other hazardous features. A few ponds of water sit here and there, but very few creatures ever drink from them. If you fall into this skinny canyon, it's unlikely that anyone will retrieve your body. Though the area itself is dangerous, many young wolves have noticed the shelves that emerge from the Robinshadow side like steppingstones. While fairly wide and accomodating at the beginning, they become thinner and more fragile the farther down you go: a common dare is to see how deep one can hop before chickening out and returning to the surface. It might be an amusing dare, but it has the potential to turn deadly with the slightest misstep.
Prey Status: Poor
Occupied by: Unclaimed

Sub-board: grise cavern

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No New Posts charity meadow

Charity Meadow is, quite possibly, the only pleasant and enjoyable area in the Mercy Lands. It's a gentle, sloping valley carpeted with long grey-green grasses and weeds; dandelions are quite abundant here, providing simple entertainment for pups. Quivering aspens dot the land around the meadow, marking out an invisible border. Serious fighting is strictly prohibited here, and those that cause conflicts anyway often find misfortune.
Prey Status: Fair
Cannot be claimed.

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No New Posts desolation moor

While this is easily the most prey-rich chunk of land in the area, few choose to live here: every morning and evening, harsh winds sweep thick fog over the moor, cloaking the entire territory from view. It's difficult to see three feet in front of you, much less a gully or dry creek bed that, if you trip into, could spell your doom. Rabbits and other small mammals abound amongst the tall, sharp-edged grass, but they can disappear into the fog within moments like apparitions. It's a cheerless, dreary place, and not many choose to spend long periods of time here.
Prey Status: Good
Cannot be claimed.

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No New Posts the nameless cliffs

Nestled in the mountains that ring the Mercy Lands, the Nameless Cliffs are shrouded with unpenetrable mystery. Their steep slopes discourage all but the boldest and most determined pilgrims, and few creatures make their home in the sparse vegetation that clings to the rocks. This has always been a sacred place for those who call the territories home, and it's claimed that ancestral spirits linger here.

Quests may be handed out here.

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No New Posts ghost shack

Informally known as the "Ghost Shack," this house overlooking the lake from a rocky outcropping has certainly seen better days. While it was once composed of both stones and logs, a fire several years ago destroyed the wooden part and blackened the rocks. That, combined with the erosion caused by snow, rain, wind, and everything else, has reduced this once-beautiful estate to a skeleton. The gardens that surrounded it have grown wild, with thorny roses and other flora hungrily claiming the area. Some believe that the abandoned abode is haunted by its former owners, and this belief is what earned it its name.
Prey Status: Poor
Cannot be claimed.

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No New Posts harpoon graveyard

Located near the far shore of the lake, "Harpoon Graveyard" is a collection of sunken ships that are slowly rotting on the lake's shore. Pilings that no longer suspport any dock stand like silent, forgotten sentinels. How did all of these ships get here? While some might tell you that the lake's currents are unpredictable, the real danger was the lake's denizens: the amphitrites of old were particularly caparicious, and sinking a ship and drowning its crew was good fun.
Prey Status: Good
Occupied by: Unclaimed

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No New Posts the depths

No one is entirely certain how deep the lake is - every time someone thinks they've found rock bottom, someone else will find a dropoff that plunges even deeper. The lake bottom, aphotic zone, and the still-lit but murky area just above it are all collectively referred to as "The Depths." Ever wonder how eerie it is to be surrounded by water but no light, unable to even see your own paws? Well, you won't have to wonder for very long...
Prey Status: Poor
Occupied by: Unclaimed

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No New Posts larissa's grotto

Legend has it that long ago an amphitrite named Larissa became enamored with a handsome landbound wolf. She tried to seduce him, but he scorned her advances. As a result, Larissa kidnapped him and kept him in a cave deep underwater until he swore to love her.
The myth might be fanciful, but the grotto that it speaks of is quite real. One of the aquatic "mountains" of the lake has, near its base, a small gap that leads to an underwater chamber with several boulders and sunken logs to recline upon. What makes the grotto unusual is the pocket of air at its surface - though a chimney-like opening keeps the air from becoming too stale, it is much too small to allow anything through.
Prey Status: Fair
Occupied by: Unclaimed

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No New Posts citlalicue's rock

The lake is ancient, but some things are even older. This massive obsidian boulder has been settled in its place for as long as anyone remembers, and some believe that it fell from the stars. Whatever its origin, it's quite bizarre, its dark surface pockmarked and riddled with holes. Though it obviously doesn't belong in the lake, the constant tides don't seem to have deteriorated it. Many enjoy sitting on it to watch the night sky without going to the surface. Because of its cumbersome name, this mysterious waterlogged stone is often simply referred to as "the Rock."
Prey Status: Fair
Occupied by: Unclaimed

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